Even The Economist shows the first trace of crocodile tears as it comments how the heart says the EU should grant relief to Greece, but the head says they shouldn't. The Economist also notes that the German demands for austerity take the pressure off the IMF to write off their loans to Greece. The collective response is probably one of the finest jobs of juggling responsibility ever accomplished by the financial world. The saddest footnote is the report that some of the harshest critics of Greece are the small nations of Eastern Europe who are recent members of the EU. They should know better from their own experience, but don't. What we are witnessing is the dismembering of the cradle of European civilization by the nation states of Europe acting as agents for the international financial corporations. They are transforming democracy to anarchy (both terms invented by Greece.) Meanwhile profits and bonuses continue to grow. And the recipients of the profits remain very silent, accepting no "personal responsibility."
That of course is the dark secret of the international corporation. It absorbs all personal moral responsibility for acts that, if done by a person, would be branded as atrocities. It's similar that way to the remark attributed to Mafia executioners, "Nothing personal, just business." The corporation moves to get a better tax subsidy, leaving behind a devastated local economy - "Nothing personal, just business." The corporation diverts the equivalent of the corn crop of Iowa to soft drinks, doubling the price of food in starving third world countries - "Nothing personal, just business." The corporation doubles the national debt of Greece, threatening to destroy a nation - "Nothing personal - just business." Perhaps the CEO's of the world like Lloyd Blankfein might give some thought to what personal responsibility really means.
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